![]() Beau Toby was acting restless in the heat, so we took him to lie in the grass...and sit in the pond.
These are the Diva variety from Johnny's Seeds -- a greenhouse cuke -- and mentioned in Janisse Ray's book on seed saving. I've been cutting off the skins to give to Beau Toby who really loves them with carrots and softened alfalfa cubes. The magazine Holistic Horse has an article on whole foods in season, so in moderation, we're putting some goodies in the mix.
![]() Sandor has been working with Beau T with short riding sessions of walking, trotting and cantering. He's a golden steed, now that he's lost his winter coat. Today he spooked seeing the giant spinning cardinal (from last post), so we hid it away in the greenhouse. ![]() Sandor is letting him run, but also working with him to slow down on command without a lot of pressure on the bit. We are going to get a bitless bridle when we can -- this is the way to go. Beau T stood nicely for the farrier. Mr. Gerald gave his honest observations of his condition, age, and did some on-the-spot dental work. He's used to getting a mani-pedi, at his age, not a senior, but no spring chicken.... "With these two hands..." Mr Gerald, farrier, blacksmith and artist is 75 and in semi-retirement. We're lucky he came out, and I took notes since he's got great tips and contacts. I found out he loves fried green tomatoes and mustard greens, so I'll be making sure we have plenty of both coming up in the garden before his next visit out!
Beau Toby is enjoying the menu, and lots of TLC. His winter coat is coming off, and Mr. Gerald the Farrier comes tomorrow to trim the hooves. We are busy getting his paddock ready and getting to know him better. Beau T is curious and witnesses lots of drama, like this kitty stand-off on the car yesterday. Zippy (left) and Pixie Jr. (right) ...will they ever accept each other, we wonder?!
![]() This is Beau Toby, a horse that needed a home in a hurry. We've been keeping our new friend on free choice hay & alfalfa, apple treats and carrots from the garden. He's somewhat underweight with a rasta mane. Feels like a dream come true.... Thanks to Linda & everyone at Norwood Stables for the ride. |
AuthorAll images (c) Molly & Sandor Related
April 2016